Eilakaisla у числі багатьох інших фінських кадрових компаній, державних служб підтримує українців, які втекли від війни, допомагаючи вам знайти роботу у Фінляндії. Незважаючи на смуток і занепокоєння, які вам доводиться переживати - робота може допомогти подолати ці важкі часи.
На цій веб-сторінці ми зібрали деяку відповідну інформацію, а також пропонуємо залишити нижче заявку на роботу. Ми зв’язуємося з нашими клієнтами, щоб знайти для вас різноманітні можливості роботи.
Зверніть увагу, що процеси підбору персоналу у Фінляндії безкоштовні для шукача роботи, адже усі надійні оператори пропонують свої послуги безоплатно. Ми наголошуємо, що у Фінляндії саме майбутній роботодавець оплачує процес найму, і що ви не зобов’язані платити за будь-яку допомогу щодо пошуку роботи чи працевлаштування.
Eilakaisla, among many other Finnish recruiting and staffing companies as well as our public services, want to support Ukrainians who have fled the war by helping you find jobs in Finland. Despite the sorrow and worriedness you must undergo, for many a job might offer a solution for coping in these difficult times.
We have collected some relevant information on this webpage for you and we encourage you to leave a job application for us below. We are contacting our customers to find versatile job opportunities on your behalf.
Please note that recruitment processes in Finland shall not cost the job seeker anything, all trustworthy operators offer their services free of charge. We emphasize that in Finland, it is the future employer who pay for the recruitment process and that you should not be obliged to pay for any help regarding job seeking nor employment.
People fleeing from Ukraine can apply for temporary protection. Temporary protection process is lighter than the asylum procedure and people receiving temporary protection have the right to work immediately.
Eilakaisla is a nationwide Finnish family business operating in the field of personnel services, including especially staff leasing and recruiting services. We offer diverse jobs, especially in customer service, sales and marketing, financial and payroll administration, IT, the event industry, HoReCa, manufacturing and logistics. We have been helping companies and job seekers find each other for 50 years.
Staff leasing means that we employ an employee on our own payroll, but the employee works in our client company. This is a typical operating model, for example, for fixed-term work needs or substitutions. The difference for the employee is that Eilakaisla pays the employee's salary and, in addition to the supervisor of the customer company, Eilakaisla has its own contact person who helps with matters related to employment.
Please leave us your contact information and resume or brief description of your prior work experience. Let us know what kind of job you are looking for and also desired location.
We have many different positions, typically in customer service, finance, office work, ICT, industrial sector and HoReCa. You can apply and join our talent community with any kind of experience and background.
We will process and endeavor to contact all applicants applying with this form below. We actively contact our client companies and can offer your expertise to suitable contacts and companies.
Main office: Keilasatama 5, (2nd floor)
02150 Espoo