Eilakaisla blog

Case: Schaeffler Finland Oy – A Stellar Fit for Culture Through Staff Leasing

Written by Eilakaisla | Jun 4, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Located in Jyväskylä, Schaeffler Finland Oy (part of global Schaeffler Group), which is renowned as a supplier of high-quality industrial components and systems, as well as a pioneer in motion technology. The company is committed to providing its customers with the best possible service and support, which is also reflected in the choice of partners.

The Need for a Maternity Leave Replacement Eilakaisla Steps In

When Schaeffler’s team assistant went on maternity leave, Jarno Suomela (Vice President, Solutions Business Development) turned to Eilakaisla to find a qualified replacement. “We chose Eilakaisla because we knew they could quickly find quality candidates for a temporary employment”, Suomela explains. Eilakaisla’s efficiency, reputation, and the trust built from previous positive experiences within the group led to a fruitful collaboration.

Effortless Recruitment and the Perfect Team Addition

Working with Eilakaisla was smooth from start to finish. “The recruitment process was effortless, and we quickly received several suitable candidates”, Suomela continues. The choice fell on Marja Laajapuro, who proved to be an excellent selection. “Marja has been a proactive and independent team assistant who has integrated seamlessly into our team”, he praises.

Laajapuro describes her role as diverse and challenging: “I enjoy having a lot to do and being able to fully utilize my skills, especially language skills, as the official working language is English in an international environment, and I also have colleagues in Sweden and Germany. I’ve also learned new systems and expanded my expertise here among top-notch technology and IT engineers.”

Staff Leasing Turned Out to Be a Smooth Solution

Initially, Suomela was concerned about the potential bureaucratic challenges of staff leasing, but the collaboration with Eilakaisla turned out to be surprisingly smooth. “My preconception was that the process would involve extra hassle, but in reality, everything went without a hitch”, Suomela states.

Laajapuro has blended into the team so well that her temporary employment status and her official second employer are often forgotten. “Marja is like one of us, and it’s only in special situations, like when dealing with sick leaves, that we remember she’s a substitute through Eilakaisla”, Suomela continues. This demonstrates Eilakaisla’s ability to seamlessly connect companies and employees, strengthening teams without extra paperwork.

Laajapuro herself has also felt that she has slipped into a fantastic work community excellently. “I’ve never felt like an outsourced resource but rather consider myself a Schaeffler employee. There's an open atmosphere and a sense of honesty, fairness and humour. The culture is characterized by the fact that you'll laugh until tears every day, yet work is still done diligently”, Laajapuro shares beamingly. She adds that the Eilakaisla consultant has been friendly and caring, keeping in active contact with her.

A Reliable Partner for Temporary Needs

Suomela’s experience has been so positive that he warmly recommends Eilakaisla to other companies. “Eilakaisla has proven to be an excellent option when temporary employees are needed”, he states. The example of Schaeffler Finland shows that Eilakaisla is a trustworthy choice for companies looking for a quality staff leasing partner.